
Faruk Kilickaya

Faruk Kilickaya

Company Founder
As an Economics Degree holder and postgraduate studies in Regional Economics and an accountant, 
Mr Kilickaya started his accountancy practice in 2010 as a franchisee. Mr Kilickaya managed not just to 
build a successful professional business and helped many clients to launch & grow their businesses and startup 
businesses but started different businesses himself too, as well as managing investment projects.

Seminar Title (max 10 words): Accountancy – Revolutionised 
Short Description of Seminar (max 70 words, no bullet points or lists):
Until Steve Jobs brought the existing technology together and designed the iPhone, we all believed that 
Nokia was the pinnacle of phone technology. However, by producing the iPhone, Mr Jobs didn’t just. 
surpass Nokia and other tech companies but taught us a valuable lesson. Even for a business at the forefront 
of technological innovation, there will always be room for more, and there will always be the opportunity to 
achieve the ‘next big thing.

Long Description of Seminar:

In any given industry, we believe you can build the best economic model with the right foundation. Of course, 
with the help of some basic ingredients of;
-      planning, 
-      implementing the latest available technologies (not only IT tech but classical business know-how, business modelling) 
-      bringing a likeminded team together
-      investors to invest in such business models
-      and, of course, entrepreneurial skills  
So, is it possible to achieve great success and create the next big business, like Uber, Deliveroo, etc.?
We believe revolution is a subject in any given industry; moreover, it’s inevitable.
An entrepreneur‘s main motivator is a success. Success to you and me may not be the same as another. 
However, the common denominator will always be finding the ‘whilst hopefully challenging the 
conventional Big Guys in the long run.
I also believe achieving such success in an accountancy business is possible with the help of developments 
in digitalisation, FINTECH, open banking, OCR text recognition, collaboration tools for remote working and
 efficiency, and so on and so forth. Bringing in all the above and other available technologies, innovation, 
know-how and business models will help efforts to create the next big thing in our industry; the 
accountancy industry.

The franchise business model is where it starts. Learning from the new business models, such as the sharing 
economy and mending the problems of classical business models, might help bring the human-AI into action
where professionals join the business model as stakeholders, accelerating progress and specialisation. Before
AI takes it over anyway!

Let’s not be scared of revolutions because whether we like it or not, change is approaching.

Accountancy - Revolutionised


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